Por los dioses del cielo y la tierra, lo que está pasando aquí?

Before I start my rant….

The day could NOT have started any better…well it could have, but….

I awake to find an envelope addressed para mí, and in it was $$$$. Yippie! (a travel gift)

Then proceeded to run my errands..drop off prescriptions, consume a little biomateria nutricional and continue my tour via public transpo. Smashing!

Here are a few photos from that trip…

taken @ the Woodruff Chess Park


the East boarding platform


saw this whilst walking about.  It is made from cast off landscaping and building masonry.

Well, those are the “best” of the photos taken today.  I’d forgotten to charge my camera and had to use the mobile phone cam.


All in all, a good day.  My travel plans are set.  Just a few odds and ends and then VA, aquí vengo!


Now for the rant..


You know, I moved my LiveSpaces blog to WordPress, well, because I had to move it LiveSpaces is shutting down.  I was using, and still do to some degree, Blogger.   Long story short (too late) I am not really pleased with the move.  My biggest gripe(s),

a.) THE WORK FROM MY OTHER DEVICES, mobile phone and iPod Touch, DOESN’T SYNC with the desktop.

b.) Titles change, shyte is moved, and the “preview” features BLOWS.  It almost NEVER looks the way it does once published.  And to pepper the blog with photos…..well nigh impossible.

Well…I am done.  I am a bit knackered.


a pui tardi



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